My baby long-arm machine Ginny*, finally has a permanent home! She has moved into the basement. Doesn't she look happy? She has been very agreeable having her own space. (If only my 17 year old were as accommodating!)
*When Julie Thorum owned the fabric store she started naming the long-arm machines like hurricanes. The one she brought was Annie; then she bought Baxter, who was a brat, just like his name; then Chloe, that Paul & Stacy took home when they closed the store; Dexter that someone purchased off the dock; Ellie, that was a little purple HobbyQuilter that was so noisy no one could stand her, and Julie sent her back; "F" was sold off the dock; then I got Ginny! (From Harry Potter) Just think, if I'd been one machine later, I could have had Harry himself! Oh, well. Ginny is the next best thing, and she's been a wonderful machine!