Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back-to-school Bliss

Ah, yes! The wonderful sounds of silence! That beautiful time when all the children go back to school.
Adrian, 17, was not happy to return to school, even though its his senior year. Natalie, 12, was excited but nervous to start junior high.
We always take our traditional picture of their first day clothes laid out.

Then, of course, the first day of school pictures.

We're hoping for a great year, with limited trauma!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Contractor woes

So, we have been finishing our basement as a new home for my long-arm machine. (Yes, it has been a 3-year project, and yes, it was supposed to be "temporary" having my machine in the upstairs family room.) We're finally ready for sheet-rock bids, and working with contractors is always a fun prospect!
The guy this morning seemed to need to point everything out that we did wrong, and had to say everything at least 3 times... Low bid? I really hope not!
On the upside, its actually looking like it will be done relatively soon! Yeah! 3-year projects are WAY too long, let me tell you.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

13! (Again)

Most people know that I fell last winter and broke my front tooth out. Well, now it looks like the other front tooth will have to come out, too. It doesn't have enough bone behind it, and so the gum has receded, also. I look so adorable with my fake tooth out! Sort of like a pirate or something.
So now I get to return to my childhood, or rather teenage-hood, and get braces on again. This will supposedly bring the bone and gum down farther so that they can do the implants without me looking like Bucktooth Betty. I always loved being 13! I can hardly wait to go through it again!
Ah, my dental woes continue! Maybe I'll have my own "Julia Roberts" smile soon? One could only hope.